Spring Migration Nearing its Peak

By , May 22, 2013 3:33 pm
Bobolink 5/21/13

Bobolink 5/21/13

This has been a very late Spring. The migration of the birds was much later and slower than normal. Some birds that were early last year, such as the Eastern Bluebird, came later and in much smaller numbers than expected. Other birds, such as the Zonotrichia Sparrow, were more or less on time, and very well welcomed by us and other birders.

The Warblers have started to show up all over the place, even if not in the numbers we would hope for. The highlight for us would be the Cape May Warbler. We don’t get them every year so they are always welcomed. Some of the best birds this Spring have been birds we haven’t gotten good photos of or any photos at all. We saw a Black-billed Cuckoo a few days ago, no photo. Shawnne heard a Golden-winged Warbler, no photo.

Baltimore Orioles have been numerous and noisy. Always welcome here. We’ve been getting Pine Warblers at our suet feeder, the bugs must be in short supply. The top photo is a Bobolink. They have just started to come in and we should see them all summer. Most of the photos were

Palm Warbler 5/10/13

Palm Warbler 5/10/13

Clay-colored Sparrow 5/16/13

Clay-colored Sparrow 5/16/13

Cape May Warbler 5/18/13

Cape May Warbler 5/18/13

Indigo Bunting 5/19/13

Indigo Bunting 5/19/13

Eastern Kingbird 5/19/13

Eastern Kingbird 5/19/13

American Redstart 5/16/13

American Redstart 5/16/13

Rose-breasted Grosbeak 5/19/13

Rose-breasted Grosbeak 5/19/13

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 5/14/13

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 5/14/13

One Response to “Spring Migration Nearing its Peak”

  1. Shawnne says:

    It has been raining all week but I feel that has helped to bring in birds. We are lucky to see what we have seen. I am sad that we have had no bluebirds yet in our yard; still hoping for some. Like Jerry said, everything is late this year. I think we are going to appreciate summer and fall a lot more because of the late Spring. I love the birds!

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