Category: bird migration

An update to Summer and a disappointing Fall

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By , October 18, 2016 12:16 am
Black and White Warbler 8/9/2016

Black and White Warbler 8/9/2016

I’ve been lax in keeping up this blog. The biggest issue is a camera. My old camera died and my replacement is just barely adequate. So, this has been the first post for quite a while.

Every year is different and yet it is the same. Whenever I do the number, we see about the same each year. Still the migrations seasons have been mediocre. Our lake still hasn’t recovered since someone cut all the small trees down in 2012. The Fall of 2016 has been disappointing. Not very many Warblers, no Thrushes at all, so far no Duck, Geese or Swans. I wonder where the little birds have gone.

Great Crest Flycather 7/2/201

Great Crest Flycatcher 7/2/2016

We also had several appearances of the Scarlet Tanager.

Scarlet Tanager 8/29/16

Scarlet Tanager 8/29/16










We had some wonderful birds.

The Black and White Warbler came by a few times and I was lucky enough to get a photo. The July 4th party at hour neighbors upset the Great Crested Flycatcher enough that it hung around our yard and I got the best photos I ever had of them.

In the last few days we’ve seen both the Harris’s Sparrow and the Fox Sparrow, and got decent photos of them. They are the highlight of our Fall.

Fox Sparrow 10/17/16

Fox Sparrow 10/17/16

Harris's Sparrow 10/17/16

Harris’s Sparrow 10/17/16

End of 2015

By , December 31, 2015 3:08 pm
Scarlet Tanager 9/10/2015

Scarlet Tanager 9/10/2015

Today is New Year’s Eve. I haven’t put out a post in quite some time, so this is a good excuse to put one out.

Nearing the end of the 2014

By , November 25, 2014 1:07 pm
Pileated Woodpecker 11/6/14

Pileated Woodpecker 11/6/14

2014 may not be over, but our birding year seems finished.

A mediocre Spring – but at least it wasn’t winter.

By , July 8, 2014 11:54 pm
Northern Harrier 04/26/14

Northern Harrier 04/26/14

We had a poorer than normal migration season this April and May. The late very cold winter meant that we had very few early migrators. The Our first Bluebird was seen on April 5th, our first ducks showed up on April 7th. Our most common warbler, the Yellow-rumped, arrived on 4/19 and stay for just over a month. The last winter Junco was seen on May 5th. lack of snow meant that local farm fields weren’t a suitable substitute for a real lake, so our local temporary ponds only had ducks for a few days. Combined with my slowly healing ankle that limited my walking, we just didn’t see as much as hoped for.

Still we had some surprises. We saw a Northern Waterthrush for a few days in May. I hadn’t seen them before in MN, though they are common in NJ. We had the Harris’s Sparrow for parts of 2 weeks, a very long visit for them.

Northern Waterthrush 05/17/14

Northern Waterthrush 05/17/14

Harris's Sparrow 5/10/14

Harris’s Sparrow 5/10/14

Rose-breasted Grosbeak 5/10/14

Rose-breasted Grosbeak 5/10/14

Bufflehead 4/23/14

Bufflehead 4/23/14

Hooded Mergansers 4/11/14

Hooded Mergansers 4/11/14

Eastern Bluebird 4/26/14

Eastern Bluebird 4/26/14

Yellow-rumped Warbler 4/24/14

Yellow-rumped Warbler 4/24/14

Ruffed Grouse 4/11/14

Ruffed Grouse 4/11/14

Redhead and Ring-necked Duck 4/22/14

Redhead and Ring-necked Duck 4/22/14

Wood Ducks 4/22/14

Wood Ducks 4/22/14

Slow birding and injuries

By , September 16, 2013 1:41 pm
Common Loon with injured leg

Common Loon with injured leg

My last post was in mid-July and it covered the Summer birding doldrums. I had no idea that only a few days later I would break my ankle and have an even more significant birding slowdown. On Sunday July 28th, I was walking Molly, I took a short-cut to the lake and suddenly found myself on the ground with my foot at an improbable angle. I realized it was broken. I yelled for help and Shawnne pulled the car over so I could crawl in. I won’t bore you with additional details. Needless to say, I am not going to spend my mornings walking around and looking for migrating birds.

It took a while but I am able to sit outside courtesy of a wheelchair. Except for the days I have gone to the doctor I haven’t been able to take pictures away from the house. So, I have had no opportunity to take duck or swan photos, nor can I take out the telescope and scan our lake for birds.

It isn’t a total loss. Migration has started for real. We had an inch and a half of rain on Saturday. That brought the worms to the surface and we had bunch of Northern Flickers on Saturday and Sunday. It was a bit too dark to get a great photo but I posted what I had.

I am posting a few photos from August. Again not great but good considering the lighting and distance.

Northern Flicker  9/15/13

Northern Flicker 9/15/13

Rose-breasted Grosbeak 9/4/13

Rose-breasted Grosbeak 9/4/13

Kingfisher 8/28/13

Kingfisher 8/28/13

Osprey 8/29/13

Osprey 8/29/13

Summer Doldrums and Missing Birds

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By , July 18, 2013 3:52 pm

Ruby-throated Humingbird 7/16/13

Ruby-throated Humingbird 7/16/13

Now that it is mid-July it is more than obvious not only is the migration season ended but bird activity is slowing down. Usually I have been able to take a short walk during the day and pick up a few birds to add to our daily list. In the last few weeks I am turning up less and less each day. The Ovenbirds and Yellow Warblers that we hear every day have just about stopped singing. Last year was unusual. Looking at statewide observations, Dickcissels were widely reported in the Central part of the state, this year reports are few. We haven’t seen any. Some birds that we expect to see every day, such as Kestrels, that like to sit on wires, have been almost invisible.

We have started to take an evening bird run instead of doing it during the heat of the afternoon. For a few weeks we were having luck seeing Kingbirds and Bobolinks, but in the last few days we are getting very little. Bobolinks can be hard to spot in the grass, but we aren’t even hearing them.

Of course there are positives this month. We have been seeing both Clay-colored and Savannah Sparrows a few times a week. We have seen Indigo Buntings along a local read near our house. We have seen some Empidonax flycatchers and on a few occasions they have been vocal enough to identify (but not close enough to photograph).

Bobolinks 7/13/13

Bobolinks 7/13/13

Indigo Bunting 7/17/13

Indigo Bunting 7/17/13

Yellow Warbler 7/08/13

Yellow Warbler 7/08/13

Savannah Sparrow 7/16/13

Savannah Sparrow 7/16/13

Spring Warblers by the Boatload

By , May 28, 2013 8:29 pm
Blackburnian Warbler 5/23/13

Blackburnian Warbler 5/23/13

This has been a very strange and very

Spring Migration Nearing its Peak

By , May 22, 2013 3:33 pm
Bobolink 5/21/13

Bobolink 5/21/13

This has been a very late Spring. The migration of the birds was much later and slower than normal. Some birds that were early last year, such as the Eastern Bluebird, came later and in much smaller numbers than expected. Other birds, such as the Zonotrichia Sparrow, were more or less on time, and very well welcomed by us and other birders.

The Warblers have started to show up all over the place, even if not in the numbers we would hope for. The highlight for us would be the Cape May Warbler. We don’t get them every year so they are always welcomed. Some of the best birds this Spring have been birds we haven’t gotten good photos of or any photos at all. We saw a Black-billed Cuckoo a few days ago, no photo. Shawnne heard a Golden-winged Warbler, no photo.

Baltimore Orioles have been numerous and noisy. Always welcome here. We’ve been getting Pine Warblers at our suet feeder, the bugs must be in short supply. The top photo is a Bobolink. They have just started to come in and we should see them all summer. Most of the photos were

Palm Warbler 5/10/13

Palm Warbler 5/10/13

Clay-colored Sparrow 5/16/13

Clay-colored Sparrow 5/16/13

Cape May Warbler 5/18/13

Cape May Warbler 5/18/13

Indigo Bunting 5/19/13

Indigo Bunting 5/19/13

Eastern Kingbird 5/19/13

Eastern Kingbird 5/19/13

American Redstart 5/16/13

American Redstart 5/16/13

Rose-breasted Grosbeak 5/19/13

Rose-breasted Grosbeak 5/19/13

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 5/14/13

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 5/14/13

Our favorite time of year

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By , May 5, 2013 10:22 pm
Redheads with Blue-winged and Green-winged Teals 5/2/13

Redheads with Blue-winged and Green-winged Teals 5/2/13

The Winter is finally over, really really really over. It is our favorite time of the year, the Spring Migration. Fall is fun but Spring is easier because we aren’t trying to identify green or brown birds hiding behind green or brown leaves.

Lovely to see you again

By , April 28, 2013 5:23 pm

There is a Moody Blues song with this title which is so appropriate at this time of the year, more so than usual this year. Last year Spring came early and some birds, like the Red-winged Blackbirds, never left for the Winter. This year Spring has been very late, some birds, like the Bluebirds, that we expect to see in numbers have barely appeared. Real Spring weather started to arrive this Friday, when we hit a high of 64. We have taken advantage of the change to drive around and look at all the birds we have been missing. We have had 14 birds make their first appearance of the year. Below is a list of the birds and the dates for each:


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